Welcome to My Blog

I am trying again. Each time I start a new blog I wonder what I am doing. Do I have the ability to show up for myself? Can I really put content out there knowing it is really just for me? I would love it if someone would read and follow...but in the end I am showing up for myself, honing my craft. I fancy myself a writer. I have always wanted to write. When I was young it was journalling (very intermittently), plays, and character development. I did some poetry in my moody teens and early twenties. I loved to research topics. I found my profession at age 7. I knew I wanted to be a librarian. I thought writing and librarianship to be the magical partnership that would sustain me until I passed from this world and onto the next. Life has different plans of course. I left high school thinking I would never enter another classroom again. Ten years later, I entered my undergrad at University of Cincinnati in History and graduated in 2002. I took a year off to figure out what to do next...