The Year is 2024 - What am I hoping to bring in?

 I've posted this on Social Media - but want to circle back and post it here as well. Here is my #24in24 inspired by Gretchen Rubin and her podcast with her sister Elizabeth Craft - check it out here.

Send 5 postcards each month
TnT date night once a week
Purchase a bathrobe
2 no spend months/create want lists (March/August)
Create CV and Resume
Shop at home
Donate 24 items
Quarterly purge
Bible study
Create an AM ritual/PM ritual
Floss daily
Small art once a week
1 day of technology silence per week
To Appalachians for birthday
Bus trip on ONP
Celebrate the positive/wins
Cultivate Listening skills
Living will
1 new recipe a week
Submit writing for publishing
Embrace the pause before deciding something
#15min timed tasks
Gratitude practice daily
I have spent years creating lists of resolutions, goals, or intentions and find them to be motivating and inspiring. It is always a suggestion and I am usually not so attached that as life shifts so do the lists - but I run about 80% most of the time which I will take as a win! I do spend time throughout the year revisiting the list and making notes about what has changed (if anything) and I love to reflect on the list as the year comes to a close. I have been playing with following the wheel of the year and not the Gregorian Calendar, but of course it is a process - so I often start thinking of these things around Winter Solstice and do the checkin on the Summer Solstice. I often use the Equinox to check in and see what still stands and what I can let go of. There are plenty of things over the years that have fallen by the wayside and often I get curious and want to go back and revisit them, but realize if they are meant to come forward, they will.

I hope you spend 2024 doing what you can to be here now.


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