Writing Goals - 2024

 I spent most of today in my pajamas looking through what I accomplished in 2023 as far as writing goals and then looked ahead at 2024. I follow Sarra Cannon on YouTube and she hosted a livestream all about planning writing goals in 2024. I had also downloaded a couple other planning/reflection tools from Abbie Emmons and Katie Allen. But Tracy, you say, it's January 13th - aren't you a little behind? Nope, no I am not. I have been trying to shift my planning and goals from the typical New Year's resolutions to something more spread out. I find the time as we go into the darkest part of the year the best time to plant seeds, see what takes, and get really curious about what I really want. I think of Spring as the time for things to come alive - specifically February 1 - Imbolc - the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox as a ripe time to see what seeds are sprouting.

I suffer from shiny new thing syndrome, anyone else? It is so easy for me to just keep adding and adding until I cannot successfully complete anything. I still enjoy working on different things, this is especially helpful so I don't get bored or feel like I am in a rut. I am like this in nearly every aspect of my life. I collect things and try them on for awhile and then find a new shiny fun thing and leave the other one behind. I am attempting to leave that habit behind and try something new. Finish what I start. 

I can finish things - after all in March 2023 a book I had worked on for nearly 2 years was released. SUCCESS!! It was hard and honestly towards the end I wasn't sure I would ever really get it done. Something about questioning everything I had done instead of trusting that there WOULD be mistakes and also, I did the best I could and it WAS really good.

Now, I have the writing bug. I dreamed of being a writer since I was young. I wrote plays and short stories as a kid. I stopped writing stories and moved on to angsty poetry in my teens and early twenties. I wrote for an amusement park newsletter and over the years I would write things here and there - mostly for school. In 2018 my sister had me accompany her to a writing group in Olympia, WA and what happened there was MAGIC!! I loved it. It woke something up in me that I had forgotten existed. For the next few years I would write in group when I could. The facilitator of the group followed the process from the Amherst Writers & Artists born from Pat Schneider and her book Writing Along and With Others as well as another author Deena Metzger and her book Writing For Your Life. I looked forward to writing in group so much. As COVID hit - the groups went online and with that more community. I was meeting people from all over the world and discovering writing again.

In 2021 I decided to take my first workshop with Natalie Goldberg. My aunt had suggested it based on a conversation we had and I thought, why not? This would open up a whole world that I didn't know I was missing. Reading Writing Down the Bones and other books by Goldberg and a whole group of people who do writing practice - which includes sitting, writing, and listening (no good, no bad, could be the worst thing ever). I was able to do my first intensive writing retreat with Natalie in December 2023 and I absolutely loved it - 5 days of the practice. It gave me a kick in the pants to keep going.

So, I am looking at 2024 with a critical eye. What is realistic for me to accomplish? What projects do I have in my head? What do I really want to do? I have already set some intentions about writing - as in I want to do my morning pages each day (1-3 pages of brain dump in the AM), and I want to #write24in24 however that works out. That gets me writing, but what do I want to do with it - if anything? I do have a couple projects in my head and several others kind of nudging me in the background. I would really like to submit a few pieces this year whether poetry or short story or essay just to see what happens. I am also working on another book in partnership with others and that is still a ways off but research and draft writing are both needed for the project to continue.

Today was about looking at the year, at what I would like to do with my writing, and taking a serious look at how I spend my precious time. 

My Goals

1) Submit 2 pieces this year for contest or publishing

2) Write 24 minutes a day

3) Conduct Oral history interviews about the Washington State Archives with former archivists and/or employees

4) Start my memoir (short essay style - 5 finished pieces)

5) Work on the fiction idea started in 2023 - does it have juice? Get it plotted and outlined.


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