Projects that are Bubbling Away
I am calling June my Creating a Home month. Finding ways to spend as little as 15 minutes a day creating more space, flow, positive energy and peace in our home. It can be big or small, but the idea is to find things that take little time to build momentum.
I am finally working on a couple of writing projects this month - well for 12 weeks I will be part of a Writers Circle hosted by one of my writing group leaders that I have been writing with. I think this three hour chunk of time per week plus the peer review will be just what is needed. I am also still writing with groups throughout the week that do Natalie Goldberg's Writing Down the Bones style writing and I hope to make those dates more solid this month so I can work on writing the craft.
I am doing some research on the Washington State Archives early history by going into the records of the Archives. What a fun trip to see how the Archives evolved over time and the different people instrumental in getting it going. It is funny to see how much of an afterthought it was in the beginning and think about how far it has come being one of the first State Archives to have a Digital Archive where people have access to both scanned and born digital records. I may be doing some oral histories with former employees later this year depending on scheduling and physical ability.
I am picking up some of my ideas for books and seeing what sticks. Currently the list is about 10. Do any of them jump out to you?
1) Historical Society hi jinx
2) Not Alice in Wonderland but PNW style and a 50 year old woman
3) Women from the Women's Industrial Home and Clinic open from 1920-1921 barely 9 months
4) A story of a family told from the House's point of view (Hudson Avenue)
5) Family history - weave into stories based on letters/diaries
6) Short stories based on jobs I have had
7) Anger
8) Conscientious Objectors work at a State Hospital during WW 2
9) Based on the letters received by the Governor
10) Drugless Healers in Washington State
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