Prepping for NaNoWriMo

 So, I have decided to do it...the challenge of writing 50,000 words in the month of November as part of a national phenomenon - National Novel Writing Month. When I decided I would commit, it was July and part of my I've turned 53, now what thing. Now, it is a few months later and my life is totally different than I thought it would be. I had a solid idea for the novel. Fiction, semi-autobiographical, and kind of a retelling of Alice in Wonderland - but an older Alice, a 50 year old Alice, going through menopause and taking stock of her life - figuring out who she really is and meeting the major arcana of the tarot along the way. Now I am questioning my choices, thinking of nearly every other topic that I have ever thought of, and I think it is because November 1st is just a little over a week away.

My procrastination response is alive and well. I will think of nearly every reason under the sun to not do this in the name of, oh, this other thing is more important now. It is typical and known and yet, I find myself falling for it. I have thought of at least 5 other topics I'd rather write about. I live in a place that needs little maintenance and yet I find myself doing chores instead of prepping. How much prep do I need? Well, I watch videos about other people prepping and take notes instead of doing the things I know I need to do before writing. 

To write - one just needs to sit down and write. All of these other things that seem to come up are just diversion tactics sent to me by my inner procrastinator. The perfectionist that wants everything to be just so in order to pour myself into a project. But, I don't need to do that. I just need to set aside time to write. This has happened at any time I need to do a project. The preparation is much more enticing than the actual project. I will not allow myself to get derailed!!

I'm looking into where I will write. I'm trying to find fellow writers. I'm creating outlines. I'm assigning goals for word counts each day. I'm noting how long it takes me to write. I've downloaded tools, tool kits, and I watch video after video of people who are doing it for the first time or the billionth time. 

Am I nervous?

Yes I am.

Do I think I can do this?

Yes I can.

I have been writing in group since about 2018. On a good week I will write in group 5 times. Sometimes I forget, or I let something come up. In November, I have to put my writing first. It will be new for me. I do not always hold my writing space as sacred. I want to, I need to.

If you are also writing in November - reach out. I have an account on the NaNoWriMo website. Maybe we can help each other out. Bare minimum it will give me something to blog about because I am not really even consistent about the blog.


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