Update - NaNoWriMo Day 4
I am writing memories from my childhood - moments that I think created and molded me into the person I am today. Is this what I planned to write? Is this my outline and plot points and characters? Nope! Once again I have decided to do something that I think will be what I am ultimately looking for but not taking the road I thought I would take. I have struggled with planning things down to the finest point and then the whole plan gets chucked out the window because something unforeseen comes and changes everything. I am still writing. I am still working on my idea. It just doesn't look the way I thought it would. And, for the first time in a long time I can honestly say it is okay. I wrote in group today - first with a NaNoWriMo sprint group on YouTube, then with a regular Saturday group that I love, and finally with another sprint group on YouTube. I love writing in group, even if we don't know each other, even if we never speak, to know that there are others working on their projects while I am working on mine - such an amazing feeling.
NOTE - just by writing this post - I have hit my 10K goal - but since this isn't about my theme or writing, I am not going to count it - but it is TEMPTING to say the least!!
Words written in November so far - 10,174 - WHOO HOO!! I will celebrate showing up for myself in this way and writing!
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